Mullet Wheels on E-Bikes Are Here to Stay
“If it ain’t moto, it’s worthless,” right Ross Shafer? Mixed wheel sizes, popularized on motorcycles, make a lot of sense on e-MTBs.
“If it ain’t moto, it’s worthless,” right Ross Shafer? Mixed wheel sizes, popularized on motorcycles, make a lot of sense on e-MTBs.
You want to put some foam in your tires. But what type? CushCore has a new E-MTB insert that might be worth a try.
Similar specs, totally different design philosophies. Here’s what I’ve learned from a summer comparing the Bosch and Specialized Turbo motors.
We took the Moterra out to the test track to see how its Bosch CX’s four assist modes compared. It wasn’t very scientific, but we learned something.
Does the world need another bike-related app? Debatable. Do you need an app for a Specialized e-bike? I think so.
We can coexist! Mixing full-power and lightweight e-MTBs is just fine. But there are two notable differences that can affect the vibe.
A broken chain, a short-lived ride, and a long walk home. E-MTBs badly need more durable chains.
For the greater good of humankind, I’ve been wearing a heart rate monitor to see how hard I’m actually riding on an e-MTB.
Cannondale’s big, bad Moterra looks mean with that coil spring. Here’s how the initial set-up went with the bike and it’s Bosch CX motor.
“Hey bro, why don’t you just ride a dirt bike.” Well okay, let’s see how similar e-bikes and motos really are.