
The Cheapest E-Bike I’d Buy (and Ride)
If you want to add an e-bike to your quiver, you probably want to do it on the cheap. Here are my tips.

Fantastic E-Bike Motors and Where to Find Them
Three incredible new e-MTB drive units were launched in 2024. The only problem is you can’t really buy them.

Norco Fluid VLT E-MTB Review: Travel Restrictions
As the industry continues to experiment with e-MTBs, I will humbly suggest that we not bother with anything less than 150mm of travel.

The Secret Messages in 3 E-Bike Hater Stickers
I’ve been seeing some creative anti-e-bike stickers lately. But maybe there’s a deeper message that’s hidden in their polemics.

Light-ish: Cannondale’s New Moterra SL
Okay, bear with me. It’s not a “lightweight” e-bike, but it is called the Moterra SL… And maybe it’s the right direction for all e-MTBs.

Mullet Wheels on E-Bikes Are Here to Stay
“If it ain’t moto, it’s worthless,” right Ross Shafer? Mixed wheel sizes, popularized on motorcycles, make a lot of sense on e-MTBs.

Motor Comparison: Specialized Turbo 2.2 vs. Bosch Performance Line CX
Similar specs, totally different design philosophies. Here’s what I’ve learned from a summer comparing the Bosch and Specialized Turbo motors.

World Peace? Full-Power & Lightweight E-Bikes Ride Together
We can coexist! Mixing full-power and lightweight e-MTBs is just fine. But there are two notable differences that can affect the vibe.

Is Riding an E-Bike That Much Easier? It Depends
For the greater good of humankind, I’ve been wearing a heart rate monitor to see how hard I’m actually riding on an e-MTB.